


孩子还小的时候,就成了我们的快乐!当他们长大后,他们开始害怕。他们的罪性催逼他们悖逆、喜爱通往地狱的道路。他们忽视了父母的爱和关怀,仿佛父母已经把他们完全抛弃了。他们听浪荡人的劝告,不听父亲最严正的训诲。他们认为父母应该为他们做什么,虽然他们藐视第五诫;如果父母控制他们,他们就会暴跳如命,尽管这是最伤害灵魂的事情。他们认为他们是主人,而我们作为父母,应该服从他们!如果父母有选择的意愿,孩子就有拒绝的意愿。他们会因为做错事,在父母面前聚集起来,说抢劫父亲不是罪。 They'll jostle parents out of place and power, They'll make themselves the head, and them devour. How many children, by becoming head, Have brought their parents to a piece of bread! Thus they who, at the first, were parents joy, Turn that to bitterness, themselves destroy. But, wretched child, how canst thou thus requite Thy aged parents, for that great delight They took in thee, when thou, as helpless, lay In their indulgent bosoms day by day? Thy mother, long before she brought thee forth, Took care thou shouldst want neither food nor cloth. Thy father glad was at his very heart, Had he to thee a portion to impart. Comfort they promised themselves in thee, But thou, it seems, to them a grief wilt be. How oft, how willingly brake they their sleep, If thou, their bantling, didst but winch or weep. Their love to thee was such they could have giv'n, That thou mightst live, almost their part of heav'n. But now, behold how they rewarded are! For their indulgent love and tender care; All is forgot, this love he doth despise. They brought this bird up to pick out their eyes.