


老榆树低声说在烟囱顶部有史以来最甜蜜的国歌秋天,进入成熟的低语平静将下降当雨落在你的许多彩色的阴影和黑暗风暴模拟雷电时黑暗之际,它会扼杀光明与黑风暴的冬夜震撼你像摇篮你根我怎么喜欢听风责骂你的力量不都在沉默时经验丰富的安慰我们的心的愿望我们觉得你的保护像朋友那样安营我们的椅子靠近火享受舒适,从来没有见过写老最喜欢的树thoust倍变化较低但从来没有什么改变到现在来你时间看见你作为他的神圣天赋和自然声称你她的家庭树风暴来了你活着的权力而踏实的你的家庭你的根有萨默斯口渴干燥轮你家常鲍尔直到地球越来越铁,还是你的树叶是绿色的孩子寻求你你夏季遮荫,过家家的棍棒和石头画眉鸟类唱歌,感觉自己就在他们离开了他早期的巢,我感觉他的幸福我自己没有听从我们的友谊被背叛的朋友不是无生命的——tho股票和石头有许多肉和骨头你ownd cloathed lnaguage的心激起的属性比你说的话感觉舌头在每一个语言的怜惜和错误的力量不能假定什么伪君子可能敢说真理和显示他们我看到一幅画,你的命运显示和学习教训你命运自我兴趣看到你站在自由的方式,所以你的旧的影子一个暴君必须Thoust听到这个无赖滥用当权者叫骂声自由大声,然后压迫自由Thoust庇护伪君子在许多一个小时,当权力不会庇护你Thoust听见无赖供应他的伪善的力量时错误的幻想he wanted friends That bawled for shelter when he lived in showers And when clouds vanished made thy shade ammends With axe at root he felled thee to the ground And barked of freedom - O I hate that sound It grows the cant terms of enslaving tools To wrong another by the name of right It grows a liscence with oer bearing fools To cheat plain honesty by force of might Thus came enclosure- ruin was her guide But freedoms clapping hands enjoyed the sight Tho comforts cottage soon was thrust aside And workhouse prisons raised upon the scite Een natures dwelling far away from men The common heath became the spoilers prey The rabbit had not where to make his den And labours only cow was drove away No matter- wrong was right and right was wrong And freedoms brawl was sanction to the song Such was thy ruin music making Elm The rights of freedom was to injure thine As thou wert served so would they overwhelm In freedoms name the little so would they over whelm And these are knaves that brawl for better laws And cant of tyranny in stronger powers Who glut their vile unsatiated maws And freedoms birthright from the weak devours