


满是她长长的白胳膊和乳白色的皮肤。他独自在拥挤的人群中行走,留意她的紫玛瑙、没药和象牙。他还记得那张嘴:那古怪的嘴,从那里发出热吻,直到冰冷的话语从头上盘旋而下。灰色的鸽子从白云塔上飞了出来。身体:那是一片等待爱情的白色原野,在她身体的原野上,上面有座憔悴的高塔,百合花生长着,恳求他采摘,如果他愿意摘下,戴上,把它们弄伤,折断。眼睛在说:别介意那些残酷的话,拥抱我的花朵,但不要拥抱刀剑。但他们说了什么,鸽子立刻飞了过来,默默说:荣誉,荣誉,他们哭着来了。纠缠她的鸽子。太纯洁,太聪明,爬上他的肩膀,说,起来,离开我,让我们永不相见,永恒的距离现在指挥你的脚步。这的确是一种困境,它在小偷之间发现了荣誉,在情人之间发现了荣誉。 O such a little word is Honor, they feel! But the grey word is between them cold as steel. At length I saw these lovers fully were come Into their torture of equilibrium; Dreadfully had forsworn each other, and yet They were bound each to each, and they did not forget. And rigid as two painful stars, and twirled About the clustered night their prison world, They burned with fierce love always to come near, But honor beat them back and kept them clear . Ah, the strict lovers, they are ruined now! I cried in anger. But with puddled brow Devising for those gibbeted and brave Came I descanting: Man, what would you have? For spin your period out, and draw your breath, A kinder saeculum begins with Death. Would you ascend to Heaven and bodiless dwell? Or take your bodies honorless to Hell ? In Heaven you have heard no marriage is, No white flesh tinder to your lecheries, Your male and female tissue sweetly shaped Sublimed away, and furious blood escaped. Great lovers lie in Hell, the stubborn ones Infatuate of the flesh upon the bones; Stuprate, they rend each other when they kiss, The pieces kiss again, no end to this. But still I watched them spinning, orbited nice. Their flames were not more radiant than their ice. I dug in the quiet earth and wrought the tomb And made these lines to memorize their doom:? EPITAPH Equilibrists lie here; stranger, tread light; Close, but untouching in each other's sight; Mouldered the lips arid ashy the tall skull. Let them lie perilous and beautiful.