


在痛苦中,我们高唱一首不被人亵渎的新歌:快跑者胜;强者必胜。自古以来,我们这三千万训练有素、持证杀人的人,就像狗一样成群结队,在罪恶中生活和行动,如果狡猾的人说的是真话,他们剥去赤裸裸的事实,雕刻出真理的心脏。统治者们大声呼喊:“我们不能取消战争,它是最令人憎恶的罪恶的终结和血腥的裹布,是秩序的裹带:要知道,海上和陆地上无情的斗争仍然是生命的神圣法则。”从各种伪装的恐惧,从懒惰,从肉欲,通过战争的巨大牺牲,世界救赎了自己。战争是艺术的源泉、主题;志存高远,志存高远,学术高尚;预兆,黄金时代的曙光;真正的天主教,种族的血洗。”我们三千万训练有素、有执照的杀人犯,像被操纵的疯子,被钻、鞭、咒锁在绝望的枷锁中我们不知道如何挣脱——我们这些受害者对艺术有什么兴趣,对那些看不见、听不见的事物有什么兴趣? Some diplomat no doubt Will launch a heedless word, And lurking war leap out! We spell-bound armies then, Huge brutes in dumb distress, Machines compact of men Who once had consciences, Must trample harvests down -- Vineyard, and corn and oil; Dismantle town by town, Hamlet and homestead spoil On each appointed path, Till lust of havoc light A blood-red blaze of wrath In every frenzied sight. In many a mountain pass, Or meadow green and fresh, Mass shall encounter mass Of shuddering human flesh; Opposing ordnance roar Across the swaths of slain, And blood in torrents pour In vain -- always in vain, For war breeds war again! The shameful dream is past, The subtle maze untrod: We recognise at last That war is not of God.