


第一节从和谐,从天堂的和谐,这个宇宙的框架开始了。当大自然躺在一堆刺耳的原子下面,无法抬起她的头时,那悦耳的声音从高处传来:“起来吧,你比死人还活着。”冷,热,湿,干,为了它们的位置跳跃,音乐的力量服从。从和谐,从天上的和谐,这个宇宙的框架开始了:从和谐到和谐,它穿过了所有音符的范围,在人类中圆满地结束了和谐。音乐不能激起和平息什么样的激情啊!当犹八击中绳壳的时候,他的兄弟们站在周围,脸上带着微笑,跪拜着那天籁之声:在他们看来,没有一个比神更渺小的人能住在那贝壳的空穴里,他的歌声如此甜美动听。音乐不能激起和平息什么样的激情啊!第三节号角响亮的铿锵声激起我们用愤怒的尖厉音符和致命的警报武装起来。咚咚咚咚的鼓声,听敌人来了;冲锋,冲锋,已经来不及撤退了。 Stanza 4 The soft complaining flute In dying notes discovers The woes of hopeless lovers, Whose dirge is whisper'd by the warbling lute. Stanza 5 Sharp violins proclaim Their jealous pangs, and desperation, Fury, frantic indignation, Depth of pains and height of passion, For the fair, disdainful dame. Stanza 6 But oh! what art can teach What human voice can reach The sacred organ's praise? Notes inspiring holy love, Notes that wing their Heav'nly ways To mend the choirs above. Stanza 7 Orpheus could lead the savage race; And trees unrooted left their place; Sequacious of the lyre: But bright Cecilia rais'd the wonder high'r; When to her organ, vocal breath was giv'n, An angel heard, and straight appear'd Mistaking earth for Heav'n. GRAND CHORUS As from the pow'r of sacred lays The spheres began to move, And sung the great Creator's praise To all the bless'd above; So when the last and dreadful hour This crumbling pageant shall devour, The trumpet shall be heard on high, The dead shall live, the living die, And music shall untune the sky.