


友谊,像爱情一样,只是一个名字,除非你向某人熄灭它的火焰。许多父亲共同抚养的孩子,很少受到父亲的照顾;友谊就是这样;依赖许多人的人很难交到朋友。一只兔子,像盖伊一样,彬彬有礼,顺从一切,所有的野兽都知道,它出没在树林里,或在平原上吃草。它的目标是永远不冒犯,每一个动物都是它的朋友。她在黎明前去品尝露珠点缀的草地,她听到猎人的叫声,雷声从深口飞出;她吓了一跳,停了下来,喘不过气来,18她听到死亡逼近的声音,19她弯下腰,想引猎狗上钩,20她把迷乱的圈子缩回来;直到她在公共场合昏倒,吓得半死,喘着粗气躺着。当那匹马第一次出现在她的视线里时,她的心里是多么激动啊!“让我,”她说,“登上你的背吧,26把我的安全托付给一个朋友,27你知道我的脚背叛了我的逃跑,28对友谊来说,每一个负担都是光明的。”29马回答说:“可怜的诚实的猫,看到你这样我很伤心; 31 Be comforted, relief is near; 32 For all your friends are in the rear.' 33 She next the stately bull implor'd; 34 And thus reply'd the mighty lord. 35 'Since ev'ry beast alive can tell 36 That I sincerely wish you well, 37 I may, without offence, pretend 38 To take the freedom of a friend; 39 Love calls me hence; a fav'rite cow 40 Expects me near yon barley mow: 41 And when a lady's in the case, 42 You know, all other things give place. 43 To leave you thus might seem unkind; 44 But see, the goat is just behind.' 45 The goat remark'd her pulse was high, 46 Her languid head, her heavy eye; 47 'My back,' says he, 'may do you harm; 48 The sheep's at hand, and wool is warm.' 49 The sheep was feeble, and complain'd, 50 His sides a load of wool sustain'd, 51 Said he was slow, confess'd his fears; 52 For hounds eat sheep as well as hares. 53 She now the trotting calf addrest, 54 To save from death a friend distrest. 55 'Shall I, says he, of tender age, 56 In this important care engage? 57 Older and abler pass'd you by; 58 How strong are those! how weak am I! 59 Should I presume to bear you hence, 60 Those friends of mine may take offence. 61 Excuse me then. You know my heart, 62 But dearest friends, alas, must part! 63 How shall we all lament! Adieu. 64 For see the hounds are just in view.'