


我把我的名字写在浪涛冲刷的沙滩上,或是冬天磨砂的玻璃上,记录着徒然的痕迹。遗忘的空虚会有更睿智、更美好的名字,而我自己的名字也会从这片玻璃或细丝中逝去。冲啊,时间的波浪!融化,正午,霜冻的时光!欢迎那巨大的阴影,那永恒的沉默!当我和所有认识我爱我的人都消失殆尽,失去的记忆对他们和我又有什么害处呢?如果我的任何话语,以神圣的生命之权,留下,那又有什么关系呢?为什么“王者之旅”会出现在我最糟糕或最好的游戏上?为什么表演者要夺走我可怜的鬼魂的名字?然而,当一个声音消逝时,它的幽灵徘徊在四周,但愿我逝去的生命还会留下一些微弱的回声。 A whisper giving breath Of praise or blame to death, Soothing or saddening such As loved the living much. Therefore with yearnings vain And fond I still would fain A kindly judgment seek, A tender thought bespeak. And, while my words are read, Let this at least be said: "Whate'er his life's defeatures, He loved his fellow-creatures. "If, of the Law's stone table, To hold he scarce was able The first great precept fast, He kept for man the last. "Through mortal lapse and dulness What lacks the Eternal Fulness, If still our weakness can Love Him in loving man? "Age brought him no despairing Of the world's future faring; In human nature still He found more good than ill. "To all who dumbly suffered, His tongue and pen he offered; His life was not his own, Nor lived for self alone. "Hater of din and riot He lived in days unquiet; And, lover of all beauty, Trod the hard ways of duty. "He meant no wrong to any He sought the good of many, Yet knew both sin and folly, -- May God forgive him wholly!"