


在九月凉爽的早晨,从长满玉米的草地上,腓特烈教堂的尖塔簇拥在马里兰的群山旁,四周是绿墙。在他们的周围,果园遍布,苹果和桃树硕果累累,在饥饿的叛军眼中,就像上帝的花园一样美丽,在那个初秋的早晨,李行军越过了山墙;越过蜿蜒的山峦,骑马步行,进入弗雷德里克镇。四十面插着银星的旗帜,四十面插着深红色条纹的旗帜,在晨风中飘扬;正午的太阳向下看,一个也没有看见。这时,老芭芭拉·弗里切站了起来,她已经八十岁了,鞠了个躬;她是腓特烈镇最勇敢的人,她拿起了人们拉下来的旗帜;她在阁楼的窗户上放了一根手杖,以示一颗忠诚的心,街上传来了反叛的脚步声,石墙杰克逊骑在前面。在他那耷拉着的帽子下面,他左顾右望;那面旧旗映入他的眼帘。“停止!' - the dust-brown ranks stood fast. 'Fire!' - out blazed the rifle-blast. It shivered the window, pane and sash; It rent the banner with seam and gash. Quick, as it fell, from the broken staff Dame Barbara snatched the silken scarf. She leaned far out on the window-sill, And shook it forth with a royal will. 'Shoot, if you must, this old gray head, But spare your country's flag,' she said. A shade of sadness, a blush of shame, Over the face of the leader came; The nobler nature within him stirred To life at that woman's deed and word; 'Who touches a hair of yon gray head Dies like a dog! March on! he said. All day long through Frederick street Sounded the tread of marching feet: All day long that free flag tost Over the heads of the rebel host. Ever its torn folds rose and fell On the loyal winds that loved it well; And through the hill-gaps sunset light Shone over it with a warm good-night. Barbara Frietchie's work is o'er, And the Rebel rides on his raids nor more. Honor to her! and let a tear Fall, for her sake, on Stonewalls' bier. Over Barbara Frietchie's grave, Flag of Freedom and Union, wave! Peace and order and beauty draw Round they symbol of light and law; And ever the stars above look down On thy stars below in Frederick town!