


大自然降临时,琴弦从未停止演奏;晨星唱的歌从未消逝。远近的人都祷告赞美。大海仰望天空,反射出每一颗星星。它的波浪跪在沙滩上,就像人类的膝盖跪在沙滩上一样,它们的白发向沙滩鞠躬,是大海的祭司!他们把金光闪闪的珍宝倾吐出来,把珍珠作为礼物带来,大地上所有聆听的山岗都唱起了他们的歌。绿色的大地从许多山上的神殿里散发出香来;她从折叠的叶子和带露珠的杯子里倒出她的圣酒。晨曦上的薄雾升起,洁白如祈祷的翅膀;山间的坛幔,是夕阳的紫色空气。 The winds with hymns of praise are loud, Or low with sobs of pain, -- The thunder-organ of the cloud, The dropping tears of rain. With drooping head and branches crossed The twilight forest grieves, Or speaks with tongues of Pentecost From all its sunlit leaves. The blue sky is the temple's arch, Its transept earth and air, The music of its starry march The chorus of a prayer. So Nature keeps the reverent frame With which her years began, And all her signs and voices shame The prayerless heart of man.