


在这座大理石纪念碑下面,放着上天对这位天女的一切要求。神圣的坟墓啊,保守你所托付的;这个模子是特意为心灵而造的。如果有一天,一个原子能和另一个粘土混合在一起,她就会失败;这就是她那天仙般的面庞的五官,她的四肢是那么和谐优美;她的身躯是那么完美无瑕,仿佛整个身躯都是灵魂的散发;她自己的内在对称显露出来,像一幅画在玻璃中发光;或者像太阳黯然失色,带着阴影的光;否则就太尖锐了,无法用视觉来维持。每一个想法都是清晰可见的;就像透过水晶盒,可以看到数字的时间。天堂提供了这透明的面纱,因为她没有罪恶的想法要隐藏。 All white, a virgin-saint, she sought the skies, For marriage, though it sullies not, it dyes. High though her wit, yet humble was her mind; As if she could not, or she would not find How much her worth transcended all her kind. Yet she had learned so much of heaven below, That when arrived, she scarce had more to know; But only to refresh the former hint, And read her Maker in a fairer print. So pious, that she had no time to spare For human thoughts, but seemed confined to prayer; Yet in such charities she passed the day, 'Twas wondrous how she found an hour to pray. A soul so calm, it knew not ebbs or flows, Which passion could but curl, not discompose. A female softness, with a manly mind; A daughter duteous, and a sister kind; In sickness patient, and in death resigned.