


愿上帝拯救你们,勇士们,和这个充满希望的时代!欢迎你们来到堕落的舞台。愚人在他们的职业上干了很长时间的苦差事,而罪恶,这个国家的制造品,在城镇里泛滥成灾,兴旺发达,以致于罂粟和无赖种了毒品,却卖不出去。当每个人都有自己的种植园时,我们在剧院里展示的商品是徒劳的。他的信条从不失败;不管上帝花了多少钱,他自己和他的朋友都有足够的。上帝啊,如果用诗歌的标准来评定人的等级,那将会有多少愚人来投票呢!与此同时,可怜的智慧被禁止,必须撒谎,仿佛是法国商品。你们将有愚人,而且要花费大量的金钱来培养;然而,一旦看到,他们就会冒犯。 Time was, when none would cry,?That oaf was me; But now you strive about your pedigree. Bauble and cap no sooner are thrown down, But there's a muss of more than half the town. Each one will challenge a child's part at least; A sign the family is well increased. Of foreign cattle there's no longer need, When we're supplied so fast with English breed. Well! flourish, countrymen; drink, swear, and roar; Let every free-born subject keep his whore, And wandering in the wilderness about, At end of forty years not wear her out. But when you see these pictures, let none dare To own beyond a limb, or single share; For where the punk is common, he's a sot, Who needs will father what the parish got.