


克洛伊发现阿明塔斯流着泪躺在平原上,他自己叹息着,哭喊着:“可怜的我,徒劳地爱!”吻我吧,亲爱的,在我死之前;吻我一次,减轻我的痛苦。2唉声叹气,叫道:“可怜的我,竟徒劳地去爱!”永远蔑视,拒绝回报你忠实的情人。吻我吧,亲爱的,在我死之前;吻我一次,减轻我的痛苦。3永远蔑视,拒绝回报你忠实的情人。--- Chloe, laughing at his crying, Told him, that he loved in vain. Kiss me, dear, before my dying; Kiss me once, and ease my pain. IV. Chloe, laughing at his crying, Told him, that he loved in vain; But, repenting, and complying, When he kissed, she kissed again: Kissed him up, before his dying; Kissed him up, and eased his pain.