


主啊,在这尘土中,你至高无上的声音首先使神圣的爱复活;我全是你的,你的眷顾和选择,我的赞美都是属于你的。我赞美你,当你的天意在我幼弱的时候,我还在追寻你的恩典;祝福在少年时代的奇妙时刻,明亮的梦想和奇怪的幻想;祝福,当理智的可怕力量给予思想更大的空间;{46}朋友们的祝福,没有请求,也没有希望,就来到了我的门前;而且,更重要的是,家里有无数渴望的微笑。然而,主啊,我在记忆的最幽深的地方,把那些忧伤的季节放在神龛里,当我抬起头,看见你的脸,披着慈祥的简朴。我不愿错过一声叹息,一滴眼泪,一颗心在痛,一颗跳动的额头; Sweet was the chastisement severe, And sweet its memory now. Yes! let the fragrant scars abide, Love-tokens in Thy stead, Faint shadows of the spear-pierced side And thorn-encompass'd head. And such Thy tender force be still, When self would swerve or stray, Shaping to truth the froward will Along Thy narrow way. {47} Deny me wealth; far, far remove The lure of power or name; Hope thrives in straits, in weakness love, And faith in this world's shame.