


.“费利克斯,potuit rerum cognoscere起见,Atque metus诸圣,et inexorabile fatum Subjecit pedibus, strepitumque Acherontis avari !”童年时,我用热切的眼睛望着时令的年景,那一年我都披上仙女的外衣,发誓永远行善。春天歌唱天堂;夏天的花,让我凝视,却不凋谢;即使是秋天的太阳,听到我强烈的愿望,也停留了下来。他们来了又走,短命的四个人;然而,它们编织着不同的舞蹈,对我年轻的心,每一种都有自己明确的爱的要求。现在大不一样了。旋转的岁月,我晕眩的眼睛,徒劳地追逐; And its fair tints appear All blent in one dusk hue. Why dwell on rich autumnal lights, Spring-time, or winter's social ring? Long days are fire-side nights, Brown autumn is fresh spring. Then what this world to thee, my heart? Its gifts nor feed thee nor can bless. Thou hast no owner's part In all its fleetingness. The flame, the storm, the quaking ground, Earth's joy, earth's terror, nought is thine, Thou must but hear the sound Of the still voice divine. O priceless art! O princely state! E'en while by sense of change opprest, Within to antedate Heaven's Age of fearless rest. .