


雾气弥漫,硕果累累的季节,是成熟的太阳的密友;和他商量着怎样让长满茅草屋檐的藤蔓结出果实;用苹果把长满青苔的茅屋树弄弯,把所有的果实都填满熟透的核;使葫芦鼓起来,使榛子壳丰满起来,装上香甜的果仁;让更多的蓓蕾绽放,让更多的晚花为蜜蜂绽放,直到它们以为温暖的日子永远不会停止,因为夏天还没有把它们潮湿的巢填满。谁没有在你的仓库里看见你呢?有时,无论谁向外寻找,都会发现你漫不经心地坐在谷仓的地板上,你的头发被簸扬的风轻轻拂起;或是在收割了一半的犁沟上酣睡,沉醉在罂粟花的香气中,而你的钩子却把下一畦和它所有缠绕的花朵保留了下来;有时你像一个拾荒者,在小溪的对岸稳住你那满载的头;或在苹果酒榨机旁,你耐心地注视着,一小时又一小时地注视着最后一滴汁液。 Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they? Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,--- While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day, And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue; Then in a wailful choir, the small gnats mourn Among the river sallows, borne aloft Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies; And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn; Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft The redbreast whistles from a garden-croft, And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.