

  • 时间1792 - 1866
  • 的地方
  • 国家英格兰


约翰·基布尔于1792年4月25日出生在英格兰的费尔福德。他是一位著名的圣公会神学家和诗人。他在家里受父亲的教育,1806年获得牛津大学科珀斯克里斯蒂学院的奖学金。1811年,他被选为牛津大学奥里尔学院的研究员。基布尔于1815年被任命为执事,并于1816年被任命为牧师。1819年至1827年间,他写了一本赞美诗和诗集,并于1827年出版了《基督教年》。这本书卖了很多本,在传播基布尔的信仰和神学观点方面非常有效。他的风格当时比现在更受欢迎,但他的一些诗仍被用作赞美诗。基布尔从1831年到1841年在牛津大学担任诗歌教授,从1836年到30年后去世,他是温彻斯特附近赫斯利村一个小教区的牧师。1813年至1823年间,他在牛津大学担任过一系列职位,包括:考官、公众考官和奥里尔大学导师。 In May 1823, on the death of his mother, he resigned his position to live with his family in Fairford. Keble's July 14, 1833 sermon on the "National Apostasy" is considered the beginning of the Oxford Movement. In 1835, following the death of his father, Keble married Charlotte Clarke. In 1847 he produced another volume of poems, "Lyra Innocentium," which associated doctrines of the Church with the lives of children, whom he loved, though his own marriage was childless. His works include an edition of Richard Hooker's works (1836), a life of Bishop Wilson (1863), the Oxford Psalter (1839) and Lyra Innocentium: Thoughts in Verse on Children (1846). Among his poems are the well-known hymns Red o'er the Forest , New Every Morning Is Thy Love , and Sun of My Soul . John Keble died on March 26, 1866