


这是真的,亘古不变的太阳,它拒绝走它每日的路线,苍白的月亮,在一个凡人的召唤下,匆匆向西停了下来,去帮助复仇的战争风暴,把七个罪恶的王国同时放在地球污秽的胸膛上。但它能是一颗恳求的泪珠吗?一个病人的低低的叹息,当他转身离开世界,藏起他疲倦的眼睛祈祷,应该改变你神秘的舞蹈吗,天空的流浪者?啊,主啊,我们也愿意听从你的指挥,像那时那样,你那创造奇迹的手,迫使时光的波涛向后退去,使它年复一年迅捷而无声地承受着我们不安的吠叫;帮助我们停下来,向你哀悼我们的罪恶故事。光明的希望,温暖着我的胸膛;纯洁得无法实现的誓言;被忧虑的大风吹得大大的祈祷;——这些,还有那些朦胧的半梦半醒的梦,像山间溪流上的暴风雨般的灯光,在良心的眩光中摇曳破碎。我们怎样才能摆脱那压倒一切的过去?精神是否会崩溃,欢乐是否会消失,眼睛是否会不再微笑- - -这些复仇的闪电,是否能让我们在短暂的一天内,从死亡的苦痛中恢复过来?我们灵魂的父亲和爱人! Though darkly round Thine anger rolls, Thy sunshine smiles beneath the gloom, Thou seek'st to warn us, not confound, Thy showers would pierce the hardened ground And win it to give out its brightness and perfume. Thou smil'st on us in wrath, and we, E'en in remorse, would smile on Thee, The tears that bathe our offered hearts, We would not have them stained and dim, But dropped from wings of seraphim, All glowing with the light accepted love imparts. Time's waters will not ebb, nor stay; Power cannot change them, but Love may; What cannot be, Love counts it done. Deep in the heart, her searching view Can read where Faith is fixed and true, Through shades of setting life can see Heaven's work begun. O Thou, who keep'st the Key of Love, Open Thy fount, eternal Dove, And overflow this heart of mine, Enlarging as it fills with Thee, Till in one blaze of charity Care and remorse are lost, like motes in light divine; Till as each moment wafts us higher, By every gush of pure desire, And high-breathed hope of joys above, By every secret sigh we heave, Whole years of folly we outlive, In His unerring sight, who measures Life by Love.