


“在上帝的世界里,难道还有这么可怕的地方,让大声痛苦的呼喊徒劳无功吗?”在那里,忏悔的泪水来得太迟,无法得到恩宠,就像和煦的雨落在被连根拔起的花朵上?”的确如此:灵魂的至高主宰把他那无边无际的王国的地牢里储藏着每一颗在罪人身上徒劳地滚动着的螺丝钉,带着聚集的愤怒,要把罪人压死。风暴会听到水手可怜的呼喊吗?被教导了如此不信任,太迟了,诱惑的海浪,当他看到的四周只有大海和天空,一个愤怒的上帝,一个自己选择的坟墓?还是那铺满放纵之床的荆棘,会随着愿望而倒下?迟来的悔恨岂能想起凶手的手所射出的箭?岂能离开无罪的人的怀抱?那么,愿那没有躯体的灵魂,安然无恙地,从罪恶的污迹中,掠过天上世界的黑暗帷幕;也不怕遇见她在这里学不会去爱的上帝;这样,那些死得不幸福的人就有了希望,天使的翅膀可以把他们带到岸边,没有准备好的处女也不必捶胸鼓足,也不必在新郎的门口垂头丧气地等待。但懊悔的心在哪里停留呢? Of old they leaned on Thy eternal word, But with the sinner's fear their hope departs, Fast linked as Thy great Name to Thee, O Lord: That Name, by which Thy faithful oath is past, That we should endless be, for joy or woe:- And if the treasures of Thy wrath could waste, Thy lovers must their promised Heaven forego. But ask of elder days, earth's vernal hour, When in familiar talk God's voice was heard, When at the Patriarch's call the fiery shower Propitious o'er the turf-built shrine appeared. Watch by our father Isaac's pastoral door - The birthright sold, the blessing lost and won; Tell, Heaven has wrath that can relent no more; The Grave, dark deeds that cannot be undone. We barter life for pottage; sell true bliss For wealth or power, for pleasure or renown; Thus, Esau-like, our Father's blessing miss, Then wash with fruitless tears our faded crown. Our faded crown, despised and flung aside, Shall on some brother's brow immortal bloom; No partial hand the blessing may misguide, No flattering fancy change our Monarch's doom: His righteous doom, that meek true-hearted Love The everlasting birthright should receive, The softest dews drop on her from above, The richest green her mountain garland weave: Her brethren, mightiest, wisest, eldest-born, Bow to her sway, and move at her behest; Isaac's fond blessing may not fall on scorn, Nor Balaam's curse on Love, which God hath blest.