


和我在一起吧,美人,因为火焰即将熄灭;我和我的狗都老了,太老了,不适合流浪。人,他年轻的激情使旋风飞扬,很快就瘸了脚步,太冷了,不能去爱。我拿起书,凑到火旁,翻着黄叶;钟一分钟一分钟地敲着我的心。一根枯萎的金属丝,在琴弦上移动着音乐的细影。我不能在你的海洋中航行,不能在你的谷地,丘陵,山谷中游荡再也不能参加那边的战斗,在那里,年轻的骑士和残破的骑兵集结在一起。只要保持安静,让我的心灵从余烬的美丽中记住火的美丽。美人,可怜可怜吧!因为强者有权力,富人有财富,美丽的人有优雅,人类的夏天有阳光和花朵。 Spring-time of man, all April in a face. Only, as in the jostling in the Strand, Where the mob thrusts, or loiters, or is loud, The beggar with the saucer in his hand Asks only a penny from the passing crowd, So, from this glittering world with all its fashion, Its fire, and play of men, its stir, its march, Let me have wisdom, Beauty, wisdom and passion, Bread to the soul, rain when the summers parch. Give me but these, and though the darkness close Even the night will blossom as the rose.