


虽然我贫穷、软弱、无用,但我有一位富有、全能的朋友;耶稣,救主,是他的名字;他自由地爱,永无止境。他用血救赎我脱离地狱、用大能制伏我的仇敌。他发现我远离上帝,就把我带到他的选民圈。他安慰我的心,满足我的需要,说我不久就要和他一起坐到天上;啊,基督是我何等的朋友!但是啊!我的灵魂最深处哀伤,我的眼睛噙满泪水,想到我的恶报;我一直是他不忠实的朋友。 Often my gracious Friend I grieve, Neglect, distrust, and disobey, And often Satan's lies believe, Sooner than all my Friend can say. He bids me always freely come, And promises whate'er I ask: But I am straitened, cold and dumb, And count my privilege a task. Before the world that hates his course, My treach'rous heart has throbbed with shame; Loth to forego the worlds applause, I hardly dare avow his name. Sure were not I most vile and base, I could not thus my friend requite! And were not he the God of grace, He'd frown and spurn me from his sight.