


现在让我们同心协力,模仿天使的歌声;是的,罪人可以用天使唱不出的歌来赞颂他们的王。他们赞美曾被杀的羔羊;但我们可以增加更高的压力;不仅说"他如此受苦"还要说他为我们受苦"当天使因犯罪而堕落时,正义将他们全部打入地狱;但上帝却制定了一个奇妙的计划,拯救和荣耀堕落的人。耶稣从天使面前经过,让我们的肉体流血而死;他仍然把它作为他的住所;作为人,他坐上了上帝的宝座。 Our next of kin, our Brother now, Is he to whom the angels bow; They join with us to praise his name, But we the nearest int'rest claim. But, ah! how faint our praises rise! Sure, 'tis the wonder of the skies, That we, who share his richest love, So cold and unconcern'd should prove. Oh, glorious hour, it comes with speed! When we, from sin and darkness freed, Shall see the God who died for man, And praise him more than angels can.