John O ' brien



主教庄严地坐着,戴着一顶庄严的紫帽,在坚信礼的时候,把那座古老的灌木教堂粉刷起来;所有的孩子都从方圆五十英里的地方集合起来,穿着盛装,瞪着眼睛,无知至极。现在,是命运,还是恩典,他们也有了一个来自唐玛兰玛路的两层楼的高个子小伙子?它是处女地里的一个结实的儿子,大自然在那里放纵了自己,长出三英尺高的三叶草,在春天给它铺上垫子;在那里,巍峨的山峦拔地而起,刺穿苍穹的边缘;树木在长出一百英尺的枝头之前,还没有折断一根枝条;在那里,一切都是伟大的,人也都是巨人——但是基督教的知识,唉,在唐玛兰玛鲁枯萎了。主教对孩子们作了总结,只有主教才能这样做;他向四周搜索了一下,然后盯着他的人。但他每回合都闷闷不乐,哑口无言,毫无惧色;他似乎认为自己在那里,但又不确定。 The bishop gave a scornful look, as bishops sometimes do, And glared right through the pagan in from Tangmalangmaloo. 'Come, tell me, boy,' his lordship said, in crushing tones severe, 'Come, tell me why is Christmas Day the greatest of the year? 'How is it that around the world we celebrate that day 'And send a name upon a card to those who're far away? 'Why is it wandering ones return with smiles and greetings, too? A squall of knowledge hit the lad from Tangmalangmaloo. He gave a lurch which set a-shake the vases on the shelf, He knocked the benches all askew, up-ending of himself. And oh, how pleased his lordship was, and how he smiled to say, 'That's good, my boy. Come, tell me now; and what is Christmas Day? The ready answer bared a fact no bishop ever knew - 'It's the day before the races out at Tangmalangmaloo.