


最近这种愚弄和阴谋的瘟疫,在这个国家里引起了多么大的骚动啊!让那些乌合之众因猜疑和恐惧而发狂,4让他们扭打,争吵,直到耳塞。5他们的委屈永远不会使我烦恼,6这样我就可以安静地享用我亲爱的奶瓶。那些拿自己的安逸和脖子来换取玩具、薄片和重物的人,是怎样的骗子呢?在老泰伯恩,他们根本不需要荡秋千,如果他们只是真正的臣民和他们的国王;一个朋友和一个瓶子是我的全部设计;他没有叛逆的余地,那是满酒的。我不在乎那些议员和立法者,14让他们坐着或休会,随陛下的便;15让他们把我们诅咒成羊毛,16我死后决不在我的住所抱怨,16我活着还能喝酒;17但我喝酒时却忍不住要诅咒他们,因为他们把我的红葡萄酒调得这么贵。我不介意那些严肃的驴子,他们无聊地争论权利和继承,国家的琐事;我们已经有了一位好国王,他值得被人嘲笑,谁来了他也会被嘲笑。来吧,祝他健康,我愿他像我们一样无忧无虑。我跟荷兰人走多远有什么关系? 26 Or intrigues betwixt Sidney, and Monsieur D'Avaux? 27 What concerns it my drinking, if Cassel be sold, 28 If the conqueror take it by storming, or gold? 29 Good Bordeaux alone is the place that I mind, 30 And when the fleet's coming, I pray for a wind. 31 The bully of France, that aspires to renown 32 By dull cutting of throats, and vent'ring his own; 33 Let him fight and be damn'd, and make matches and treat, 34 To afford the news-mongers, and coffee-house chat: 35 He's but a brave wretch, while I am more free, 36 More safe, and a thousand times happier than he. 37 Come he, or the Pope, or the Devil to boot, 38 Or come faggot, and stake; I care not a groat; 39 Never think that in Smithfield I porters will heat: 40 No, I swear, Mr. Fox, pray excuse me for that. 41 I'll drink in defiance of gibbet, and halter, 42 This is the profession, that never will alter.