


穿过洛汗,越过长草的沼泽和田野,西风来了,绕着墙走。“啊,漂泊的风呀,今晚你从西方给我带来什么消息?”你在月光下或星光下见过高大的波罗莫吗?“我看见他骑马越过七条小溪,越过宽阔而灰暗的水域。我看见他在空旷的土地上行走,直到他消失在北方的阴影中。此后我再也没见过他。北风也许听到了德耐瑟之子的号角。“啊,波罗莫!”我从高墙往西眺望,你却不是从无人之地来的。南风从海口吹来,从沙丘和石头上吹来;它听见海鸥的哀号,在门口呻吟。 'What news from the South, O sighing wind, do you bring to me at eve? Where now is Boromir the fair? He tarries and I grieve!' 'Ask me not of where he doth dwell--so many bones there lie On the white shores and the dark shores under the stormy sky; So many have passed down Anduin to find the flowing Sea. Ask of the North Wind news of them the North Wind sends to me!' 'O Boromir! Beyond the gate the seaward road runs south, But you came not with the wailing gulls from the grey sea's mouth.' From the Gate of Kings the North Wind rides, and past the roaring falls; And clear and cold about the tower its loud horn calls. 'What news from the North, O mighty wind, do you bring to me today? What news of Boromir the Bold? For he is long away.' 'Beneath Amon Hen I heard his cry. There many foes he fought. His cloven sheild, his broken sword, they to the water brought. His head so proud, his face so fair, his limbs they laid to rest; And Rauros, golden Rauros-falls, bore him upon its breast.' 'O Boromir! The Tower of Guard shall ever northward gaze To Rauros, golden Rauros-falls, until the end of days.'