


从不停下来吃饭的太阳,两小时已过了中线,以他惯常的速度行驶着,鞭打着他那向下行驶的马车。短暂的假期现在结束了,晚餐以史诗般的方式结束了,而所有的船员都在树下吃着口袋馅饼或面包和奶酪,(我们也不会像老荷马那样,关心他们的菜单)每一个活动的人都尽情地享受着盛宴,像羊群一样,一听到铃声就涌进来;他们以同样的精神各就各位,齐声说了三个“哦,是的”。首先,勇敢的辉格党要反抗,这时,伟大的芬格尔先生又站起来,伸出威严的臂膀,重新开始了控诉。“你们辉格党人出席,听到你们被指控的罪行,吓得发抖;所有的罪恶和愚蠢,证明你有罪,或不沉着。我把裁决留给你们的感官,留给你们的良心做陪审团;虽然这些证据既不可靠也不真实,但你和你的船员还是有罪的。“忘恩负义的儿子!这是一个反对你们祖国的派系!你们这毒蛇族,在争斗中爆裂,把给你们生命的慈祥的子宫撕裂,用尖利的毒牙和分叉的舌头撕裂你们出生的放纵的肠子; And scorn the debt and obligation, You justly owe the British nation, Which, since you cannot pay, your crew Affect to swear was never due. "Did not the deeds of England's primate First drive your fathers to this climate, Whom jails and fines and every ill Forced to their good against their will? Ye owe to their obliging temper The peopling your new-fangled empire, While every British act and canon Stood forth your causa sine qua non. Who'd seen, except for these restraints, Your witches, quakers, whigs and saints, Or heard of Mather's famed Magnalia, If Charles and Laud had chanced to fail you? Did they not send your charters o'er, And give you lands you own'd before, Permit you all to spill your blood, And drive out heathens where you could; On these mild terms, that, conquest won, The realm you gain'd should be their own? And when of late attack'd by those, Whom her connection made your foes, Did they not then, distress'd by war, Send generals to your help from far, Whose aid you own'd, in terms less haughty, And thankfully o'erpaid your quota? Say, at what period did they grudge To send you Governor or Judge, With all their Missionary crew, To teach you law and gospel too? They brought all felons in the nation To help you on in population; Proposed their Bishops to surrender, And made their Priests a legal tender, Who only ask'd, in surplice clad, The simple tithe of all you had: And now, to keep all knaves in awe, Have sent their troops t' establish law, And with gunpowder, fire and ball, Reform your people, one and all. Yet when their insolence and pride Have anger'd all the world beside; When fear and want at once invade, Can you refuse to lend them aid, And rather risk your heads in fight, Than gratefully throw in your mite? Can they for debts make satisfaction, Should they dispose their realm at auction, And sell off Britain's goods and land all To France and Spain, by inch of candle? Shall good King George, with want oppress'd, Insert his name in bankrupt list, And shut up shop, like failing merchant, That fears the bailiffs should make search in't; With poverty shall princes strive, And nobles lack whereon to live? Have they not rack'd their whole inventions To feed their brats on posts and pensions; Made their Scotch friends with taxes groan, And pick'd poor Ireland to the bone: Yet have on hand, as well deserving, Ten thousand bastards, left for starving? And can you now, with conscience clear, Refuse them an asylum here, And not maintain, in manner fitting, These genuine sons of mother Britain? "T' evade these crimes of blackest grain You prate of liberty in vain, And strive to hide your vile designs In terms abstruse, like school-divines. "Your boasted patriotism is scarce, And country's love is but a farce: For after all the proofs you bring, We Tories know there's no such thing. Hath not Dalrymple show'd in print, And Johnson too, there's nothing in't; Produced you demonstration ample, From others' and their own example, That self is still, in either faction, The only principle of action; The loadstone, whose attracting tether Keeps the politic world together: And spite of all your double dealing, We all are sure 'tis so, from feeling. "Who heeds your babbling of transmitting Freedom to brats of your begetting, Or will proceed, as tho' there were a tie, And obligation to posterity? We get them, bear them, breed and nurse. What has pos