


科琳娜,德鲁里巷的骄傲,没有牧人为她徒然叹息;考文特花园从来没有夸耀过这么明亮的、面糊的、漫步的土司;没有醉醺醺的浪子来接她,没有酒窖供她吃饭;午夜时分返回的;爬到船头的四层楼;然后,她坐在一张三条腿的椅子上,脱下她的人造头发。现在,她拿出一只水晶眼,把它擦干净,放在一边。她的眉毛是用老鼠皮做的,两边都用艺术贴着,小心翼翼地抽出来,先把它们展示出来,然后在剧本里流畅地把它们画好。现在她的双眉灵巧地画出来,用来填满她那凹陷的双颚。解开电线;《一副牙齿》完全出自她的牙龈。拉出用来支撑她松弛的裤子的破布,裤子掉了下来。 Proceeding on, the lovely Goddess Unlaces next her Steel-Rib'd Bodice; Which by the Operator's Skill, Press down the Lumps, the Hollows fill, Up hoes her Hand, and off she slips The Bolsters that supply her Hips. With gentlest Touch, she next explores Her Shankers, Issues, running Sores, Effects of many a sad Disaster; And then to each applies a Plaster. But must, before she goes to Bed, Rub off the Daubs of White and Red; And smooth the Furrows in her Front, With greasy Paper stuck upon't. She takes a Bolus e'er she sleeps; And then between two Blankets creeps. With pains of love tormented lies; Or if she chance to close her Eyes, Of Bridewell and the Compter dreams, And feels the Lash, and faintly screams; Or, by a faithless Bully drawn, At some Hedge-Tavern lies in Pawn; Or to Jamaica seems transported, Alone, and by no Planter courted; Or, near Fleet-Ditch's oozy Brinks, Surrounded with a Hundred Stinks, Belated, seems on watch to lie, And snap some Cull passing by; Or, struck with Fear, her Fancy runs On Watchmen, Constables and Duns, From whom she meets with frequent Rubs; But, never from Religious Clubs; Whose Favour she is sure to find, Because she pays them all in Kind. CORINNA wakes. A dreadful Sight! Behold the Ruins of the Night! A wicked Rat her Plaster stole, Half eat, and dragged it to his Hole. The Crystal Eye, alas, was miss'd; And Puss had on her Plumpers piss'd. A Pigeon pick'd her Issue-Peas; And Shock her Tresses fill'd with Fleas. The Nymph, tho' in this mangled Plight, Must ev'ry Morn her Limbs unite. But how shall I describe her Arts To recollect the scatter'd Parts? Or show the Anguish, Toil, and Pain, Of gath'ring up herself again? The bashful Muse will never bear In such a Scene to interfere. Corinna in the Morning dizen'd, Who sees, will spew; who smells, be poison'd. Submitted by Andrew Mayers