


达芙妮同样轻松地知道如何让人烦恼,如何取悦人;但她的愚蠢的性使她唯一的乐趣烦恼。从来没有女人想出比这更可靠的招人看不起的办法;矛盾无力地挥舞着,总是被征服,从不屈服。争论是她的主要乐趣,没有一个观点是正确的;她滔滔不绝地争辩,用尖酸刻薄的言语与理智斗争;以果断的方式回答,从不听你能说的话;然而,她那古怪的乖戾主要表现在她不知道的地方;而且,在她最熟悉的地方,总是乖戾和愚蠢;当她知道自己是罪魁祸首时,她所有的灵魂都在燃烧。送我离开万里路,离开那张永远微笑的脸:除了她心中的怒火,谁也演不出那样的角色。 Ye who hate such inconsistence, To be easy, keep your distance: Or in folly still befriend her, But have no concern to mend her; Lose not time to contradict her, Nor endeavour to convict her. Never take it in your thought, That she'll own, or cure a fault. Into contradiction warm her, Then, perhaps, you may reform her: Only take this rule along, Always to advise her wrong; And reprove her when she's right; She may then grow wise for spight. No?that scheme will ne'er succeed, She has better learnt her creed; She's too cunning and too skilful, When to yield, and when be wilful. Nature holds her forth two mirrors, One for truth, and one for errors: That looks hideous, fierce, and frightful; This is flattering and delightful: That she throws away as foul; Sits by this to dress her soul. Thus you have the case in view, Daphne, 'twixt the Dean and you: Heaven forbid he should despise thee, But he'll never more advise thee.