


虽然我,唉!我的职业是释放囚犯。没有哪个奴隶会用这种暗示的方式服从主人的命令。我的天才是锐利的,聪明的人都喜欢的。牧师们把我养得很舒服,随心所欲地转动和缠绕我。我展示了一种新的、奇妙的艺术:从下层唤起精神;有猩红的,有白色的;它们站起来,四处走动,却从不害怕。每个人的嘴里都有鬼魂,透过镜子看得清清楚楚:他们的头和身体溃不成军,最后把所有的秘密都赶了出来;然而,我越是展示我的艺术,他们就越能打开每个人的心。 A greater chemist none than I Who, from materials hard and dry, Have taught men to extract with skill More precious juice than from a still. Although I'm often out of case, I'm not ashamed to show my face. Though at the tables of the great I near the sideboard take my seat; Yet the plain 'squire, when dinner's done, Is never pleased till I make one; He kindly bids me near him stand, And often takes me by the hand. I twice a-day a-hunting go; Nor ever fail to seize my foe; And when I have him by the poll, I drag him upwards from his hole; Though some are of so stubborn kind, I'm forced to leave a limb behind. I hourly wait some fatal end; For I can break, but scorn to bend.