


因为我天生失明,所以我明智地选择走在后面;然而,为了避免丢脸,我不让任何生物看到我的脸。我的言语虽少,却是明理。然而,我的讲话却冒犯了别人;或者,如果我窃窃私语,我假定,客人们会从房间里溜走。我受普天之下的欺压。我所受的欺压使他们得安息。通过我,尽管违背我的意愿,教官传授每一门艺术。我被千万人买卖,一分钱也不赚,一分钱也不输;唉!但那些给我最大痛苦的人。人岂可妄称我的主人,不过是我的酒席和品尝者? Yet, though I always have my will, I'm but a mere depender still: An humble hanger-on at best; Of whom all people make a jest. In me detractors seek to find Two vices of a different kind; I'm too profuse, some censurers cry, And all I get, I let it fly; While others give me many a curse, Because too close I hold my purse. But this I know, in either case, They dare not charge me to my face. 'Tis true, indeed, sometimes I save, Sometimes run out of all I have; But, when the year is at an end, Computing what I get and spend, My goings-out, and comings-in, I cannot find I lose or win; And therefore all that know me say, I justly keep the middle way. I'm always by my betters led; I last get up, and first a-bed; Though, if I rise before my time, The learn'd in sciences sublime Consult the stars, and thence foretell Good luck to those with whom I dwell.