


如果我能重新开始我的生活,在接下来的日子里,我会尽量犯更多的错误。我不会试图做到那么完美,我会更放松。我会比以前更愚蠢,事实上,我不会认真对待一些事情。我会不那么讲卫生。我会冒更多的险,度更多的假,观赏更多的日落,爬更多的山,游更多的河。我会去更多我从未去过的地方,我会多吃冰淇淋少吃豆子,我会有更多真实的问题,少一些想象的问题。我是那种每一分钟都过得明智而充实的人;当然,我也有过快乐的时刻。如果我能回到过去,我会尽量只享受美好的时光。因为如果你不知道,生命就是由瞬间组成的; Don't lose the now. I was one of those that never went anywhere without a thermometer, a hot-water bottle, an umbrella, and a parachute; If I could live again, I would travel lighter. If I could live again, I would begin to walk barefoot from the beginning of spring and I would continue barefoot until autumn ends. I would take more cart rides, contemplate more dawns, and play with more children, If I had another life ahead of me. But already you see, I am 85, and I know that I am dying.