


抚育你那“不可征服的灵魂”,但要努力记住,生活不是一次任性的漫步,因为环境控制着你,并在背后狠狠地鞭策着你。这句格言你可以放心相信吗?你可以咆哮,但你必须走。尽管你用尽全力,像保罗一样踢着棍子,尽管你支撑着,尖叫着,咬着,你还是打了一场必败的仗?不可征服的灵魂,以及一切。仍然受到强迫的冲击,你可以咆哮,但你必须去。别再虚张声势了,看在撒旦的份上,芦苇永远不会强壮。你输了?没搞错吧?选择是弯曲或断裂; In either case, you're forced along, And what avails your cheap disgust? Growl you may, but Go you must. In point of fact, your name is Sludge, And puppet-like your lot is cast, For though you may rebel and grudge, And spitefully refuse to budge, Your claim will be pegg'd out at last. Sludge to sludge, and dust to dust ? Growl you may, but Go you must. Next hear St. Peter's challenge keen, 'My son, you've fail'd to nick a goal. In headstrong wickedness serene, You fear'd not parson, king or queen; Your Bible was the BULLYTEEN; Wherefore, your name is off the roll. No picnic on these meadows green, No part in this celestial scene, For your unconquerable soul. March down yon steps ? the doom is just ? Growl you may, but Go you must.'