


我再一次戴上帽子,系上蓝色的缎带,穿上我那华丽的府绸连衣裙,它就像新的一样,像天鹅一样光滑和庄严地航行到我的座位上。再一次,啊!我,离你多远,离你多远,我要重复这一幕吗?我优雅地、从容地、温柔地坐到座位上,四周弥漫着芬芳的气息。更优美的形体,更美丽的容颜,我从未在黑暗面前低头,更克制,更坚定的眸子也无法控制我,我闪耀着,这地方的美丽,然而我看起来全是灵魂。当我怜惜的目光漫过罪恶的人们,天堂深邃的露水般的色彩在我的眼睛里荡漾,他们的心太过忧伤,无法受伤,也几乎不要求爱。就这样,我坐了四年,我的手套没有皱褶,其中有两年我戴着帽子,有一年我穿着蓝皮衣,什么时候恶人才知道什么是什么,疲倦的心才有安宁?我的头饰换了二十次,戴上了巴黎春天的花朵,秋天的麦穗,重新排列,试过了每只翅膀的鸟儿,让那从天堂里消失的光辉在我身上闪耀。然而,就像“冥冥之中的磨石”一样,人们的心似乎被磨得光滑,“或像豹子一样蓄着胡须”,一年比一年糟糕。我的"美德自有回报"我孑然一身。 The Rector's eyes, a brilliant pair, Lit up with love divine, Beaming with inspiration rare, And phrenzy very fine, Like nestling birds from upper air, Would gently droop to mine. What could I think, as day by day His gaze more earnest grew, Till half the girls began to say He neither cared nor knew, Though all the Church should go astray If he could save my pew. I read divinity by reams, The Bible got by heart, I studied all the Church's "Schemes," Prepared to play my part Of Rector's wife, as well beseems A lady of high Art. But, let the truth at once be told, Religion's cause was nought, For Twenty Thousand Pounds in gold The Rector's heart was bought, And I was most completely sold, The Blackbird was not caught. The Curate's hair was crisp and brown, His color very high; His ample chest came sloping down, Antinous-like his thigh, Sin shrank before his gathered frown, Peace whispered in his sigh. So young! I hoped his steps to guide From error's devious way; By bad example sorely tried, I feared the youth might stray; To life's allurements opening wide Become an easy prey. I did my best, I watched and prayed, His ardent soul to save, But by the sinful flesh betrayed, What could I do but rave? Ten stone of blonde, in lace arrayed Walked with him down the nave. If Gospel truth must now be told I've selfish grown of late, The Banker next though somewhat old, And limping in his gait, And quite as yellow as his gold, I thought to animate. I'm sure my Note he would have "done" With "two good names" upon it; I do not think he ever run His eye glass o'er my sonnet, Or counted, in the morning sun The feathers in my bonnet. The widowed Judge I next essayed, His orphans kindly viewing, Read Blackstone nearly through 'tis said, All gaudy dress eschewing; But, am I doomed to die a maid? Not yet he comes a wooing. Once more I'll put my bonnet on And tie the ribbons blue; My showy poplin dress I'll don, That's just as good as new, And smooth and stately as a swan Go sailing to my pew. Merchants and Lawyers, half a score, Bow on their hats to pray, Tho' scattered round, I'm very sure They always look my way. I'll re-appear, encore! encore! Who shall I catch to-day?