


我们这些每天行走在乡村小巷和城市街道上讨饭的人,让我们在宽阔的大道上,用流浪的双脚向圣人跪下祈祷吧。我们的圣坛之光是一朵明亮的毛茛,我们的神龛是一堆草皮,但我们仍然分享着圣亚历克西斯的关怀,上帝的流浪者。他们在紫色的罗马给了他一个家给了他的新娘一个公主,但他在结婚那天划船顺着台伯河的激流而下。他来到了异教徒居住的亚洲海岸;作为一个乞丐,他流浪,他布道,祈祷,他从地狱中拯救了他们的灵魂。他因岁月和痛苦而弯腰,他又回到他父亲的住处。没有人知道这个流浪汉是谁,因为他们不认识他那张长着胡子的脸。他父亲说、给他水喝、给他饼吃、在楼梯底下给他一个卧榻。于是亚历克西斯爬回洞里睡觉。但他可能不会在那里逗留。 For when night came down on the seven-hilled town, And the emperor hurried in, Saying, "Lo, I hear that a saint is near Who will cleanse us of our sin," Then they looked in vain where the saint had lain, For his soul had fled afar, From his fleshly home he had gone to roam Where the gold-paved highways are. We who beg for bread as we daily tread Country lane and city street, Let us kneel and pray on the broad highway To the saint with the vagrant feet. Our altar light is a buttercup bright, And our shrine is a bank of sod, But still we share St. Alexis' care, The Vagabond of God!