


你听说过p·p·布利斯先生和他妻子的悲惨命运吗?我将叙述他们的死亡,还有其他失去生命的人;阿什塔布拉桥的灾难,很多人在那里死去,却没有想到毁灭会把他们卷进潮汐的车轮下。副歌:引擎的呼号飞快地过去了,把灵魂赶向死亡,却没有一个人受到警告;它给左右两边带来了绝望。在废墟中有许多朋友,被吼声压死;所有人都依赖于一条线索,希望他们能到达彼岸。p·p·布利斯对他忠实的妻子和他的骄傲表现出极大的忠诚,当他看到她必须死去时,他在她身边殉道而死。p·p·布利斯回到了天上的家——离开了所有的朋友、尘世和名誉,安息在上帝圣洁的爱里;在地球上留下了他的作品和名字。 The people love his work by numbers, It is read by great and small, He by it will be remembered, He has left it for us all. His good name from time to time Will rise on land and sea; It is known in distant climes, Let it echo wide and free. One good man among the number, Found sweet rest in a short time, His weary soul may sweetly slumber Within the vale, heaven sublime. Destruction lay on every side, Confusion, fire and despair; No help, no hope, so they died, Two hundred people over there. Many ties was there broken, Many a heart was filled with pain, Each one left a little token, For above they live again.