


我们将在城市集会,我们将从农场聚集,高呼平等,美钞成为法定货币,然后穷人将和睦相处,居住在我们国家的穷人。合唱:为库珀和卡里欢呼三声,欢呼,孩子们,欢呼;为我们的国家三声欢呼,无论和平还是战争;如果没有我们的劳动者,我们的国家将会怎样?一百年过去了,或者仅仅一个世纪,这个古老而美好的国家屹立不倒,我们的祖先为不让我们成为奴隶——不让我们成为英格兰君主制的奴隶而奋斗。独立战争是和英国人打的,我们听到,为了使这个国家成为一个独立的国家;我们,独立的人,我们不会成为我们国家债券持有者的奴隶。共和党人支持黄金,支持国家的现状;考虑到这一点。1879年,如果海斯和惠勒赢得选举,就必须用黄金交税。 The Democrats are for gold, Reform and economy; What better off will be our nation, If Tilden and Hendricks, If they gain the day -- Poor people will come to starvation. Come, freeman, now arise, Put your shoulder to the wheel This Presidential election; Vote for an independent man, One in favor of greenbacks, In this great financial question. Three cheers for Cooper and Cary, May they keep marching on -- Marching with God upon the right, boys, May they conquer o'er their foes And the cursed money rings -- Right will yet conquer might, boys.