


来听,朋友们,来听一首歌,这是一首悲伤的歌,关于一个年轻人,死了,走了——他死在离家很远的地方。约翰·鲁宾逊这个年轻人的名字,他的年龄我不知道,他被他所有的朋友所爱戴,大家都很了解他。他的父母都去世了,他成了一个孤儿,当他和他哥哥在一起的时候他的身体不好,可怜的孩子。他们认为这些好朋友会对他有好处,为了他的健康去旅行;他确实和他的叔叔泽拉·弗兰奇去了加利福尼亚。他刚离开不久,他的朋友们就收到了一封信;它告诉我们约翰尼是多么想家,多么想家。信上说他的病情越来越重,他的钱也快花光了,如果他不马上回来,他就再也见不到家了。它说:“亲爱的哥哥,请你给我寄些钱好吗?因为我担心我的钱不够让我回来。医生说我必须尽快回来,如果我希望我的家人能看到,因为如果我留下,我的生命很短,因为空气不适合我。” His brother Will the letter read, It made his eyes grow dim. "Dear brother, he shall soon return, For I will go and fetch him." This brother dear was very kind; With money, he went with haste For to bring him home again, But Oh! he went too late. For he was sick, and very bad -- Poor boy, he thought, no doubt, If he came home in a smoking car His money would hold out. He started to come back alone -- He came one-third the way -- One evening in the car alone His spirit fled away. No friend was near to speak to him, Or hear his dying moan; How sad, how sad it must have been To die there all alone; No loving friends to soothe his brow, Or ease his weary form; Poor soul, poor soul is now at rest, For his soul to heaven has gone. Telegraph dispatch was sent his friends -- How sad were they to hear -- How their loved one died all alone, In a car with no one near. The brother brought his body home To his friends that loved him best. He's sleeping in their grave yard now Let peace be e'er his rest.