


来吧,所有不同程度的年轻人,来吧,给我片刻的注意力;现在我要讲的是一对年轻夫妇的故事,他们的不幸和悲惨的命运。一个是年轻的少女,娇艳美丽;另一个是年轻的男子,他的美是罕见的;他爱这位女士就像爱自己的生命一样——如果上帝没有召唤她,他会让她成为他的妻子。他在胜利和欢乐中追求了她很久,但他没有想到她很快就会离开,留下他在悲伤中,被遗弃,独自哀悼她的离去,因为她要回家了:回家到她的父亲那里,住在天上,他给了她生命,也让她死去,离开她真正的爱人,一个她可以信赖的人,在尘土中暂时塑造她美丽的形象。露易丝·豪斯和乔伊·莫里斯是他们的名字,我相信,他们深爱着对方,从不欺骗,但上帝把他们分开了,他把一个放下了,另一个带着悲伤离开了。乐乐再一次把她垂死的头靠在他的胸前,像以前一样把她紧紧地贴在他的胸前,说:“亲爱的露易丝,你要离开我吗?”“是的,乐乐,我不能再和你呆在这里了!””“哦!乐乐,你不能放弃我吗,最亲爱的?”她说。 "If you will say yes, love, I can leave in peace; In heaven, love, I will be waiting for thee -- Be true to our Savior -- you'll soon follow me." "If I must say yes, love, for you to leave me -- God will do better by you, Lois, than me; Oh! it's hard for me, dearest, hard to say yes, It leaves me alone, love, in sad woefulness." "I want your picture, Joy, placed in my cold hand, And let it be buried with me in the ground; It's all I can carry with me to the grave -- Grant it to me, love, it's all that I crave." They called for her father and mother most dear, She kissed them and bade them farewell thro'their tears; They called for her brother and sisters again, To kiss their sister while life still remain. "One kiss from you, Joy," she whispered so low, That no one in the room heard her, you know; She gasped for her breath once or twice more, When lo! her spirit left her, and Lois is no more. They placed her fair form in the coffin so cold, And placed there Joy's picture as they had been told; They bore her to her grave, all were in sad gloom, And gently laid her down to rest in her tomb.