


在南方的一个城市里住着一个富裕的家庭;在南方的一座城市里,有一个幸福的家庭,住着爸爸、妈妈和一个小女儿。他们平静而满足地独自生活。但是一个夏天的晚上发生了一件不幸的事,这使她的父母悲痛欲绝,因为这个小女儿,一个可爱的小宝贝,成了一个远离家乡的可怜的小流浪者。事情是这样的:母亲出去拜访一个独自生活的寡妇朋友;她把小女儿交给父亲照料,由于父亲的疏忽,她离家流浪。父亲摇晃着他的孩子,直到她闭上眼睛进入梦乡;他想,我要到对面去,看看邻居的朋友;他今晚会到那里,我必须在他走之前见到他。他把他的小女儿,他猜想,独自在她的小摇篮里甜蜜地睡着了,他匆匆忙忙地让大门半开着; This thoughtlessness caused destruction to his home. Soon after he was gone she awoke from her slumber, Poor child, she then found herself all alone, For no one was there, no one heard her weeping As she wandered away far, far from home. She wandered along on the busy thoroughbare, No one seemed to notice this little one alone; She wandered down Broadway till the little feet were tired, This poor little wanderer far away from home. At last, getting weary, she sat down on the pavement, And soon fell asleep, so tired had she grown; In her troubled sleep she would softly murmur, papa; This poor little lost one so far away from home. A policeman came along and saw her sweetly sleeping, On the pavement at midnight alone. He gently picked her up and took her to the station, This poor little wanderer far away from home. He advertised, but could not find her parents; At last he took her to the orphan home, Where she lived till a farmer in the country Took her to live with him, this wanderer alone. The father died o'er the loss of his daughter, The mother sought for her three years alone; At last she found her with kind people in the country, Her poor little wanderer far away from home. Kind people can imagine the joy of the mother, When she found her little loving one. "Oh God," exclaimed the mother, "I have found my little Alice, My poor little wanderer far away from home.