Julia A Moore

Here you will find thePoemRed Ribbonof poet Julia A Moore

Red Ribbon

The Red Ribbon is all the go; It's the temperance sign, you know; It is seen wherever you go, On men who dare do right. CHORUS: Dare to do right, Dare to do right, Let your motto ever be Dare to do right. It's no disgrace to wear that badge Of red ribbon, dear youthful lad, Your mother's heart it will make glad To see you dare do right. Young friend, don't fail to sign the pledge, And don the badge of ribbon red, And leave some ways you have led, Always dare do right. Friends that love you is glad to see That you can let vile strong drink be; Their hearts rejoice in highest glee To see you dare do right. Three cheers for all red ribbon men, And also those that is their friend; God will be with you to the end, He's ever on the right.