


来吧,所有的好朋友,无论远近,来听我说,你会听到——这是一个家庭和他们的命运,我将讲述他们的一切。他们曾经住在埃杰顿,他们曾经住在马斯基根,他们从那里去了芝加哥,这证明了他们致命的失败。这是威廉·豪斯一家,就像你所看到的那样,是一个很好的家庭——他一家一共有11口人,我认为并不算小。两个孩子几年前去世了,在他们去芝加哥之前,五个孩子和他在一起,当死亡进入他的家。当时天花在那里肆虐,噢!因为除了一个人以外,所有的人都厌恶他们,那房子一定很可怕。那时,老大已经出嫁了,老大在密歇根,老二在家,一个人照顾他们。他亲爱的爸爸和妈妈,还有亲爱的妹妹,我听说,都病得很重,由他照顾,没有好朋友来帮助他:两个弟弟,还有一个婴儿,一共有六个——他能做什么呢,他必须照顾他们所有人,婴儿,也很小。当他走到父亲的床前,试图安抚他疼痛的头时,“我的儿子,我恳求你离开我,也去照顾可怜的母亲吧。”“你的母亲和妹妹需要你的照顾,还有你的小弟弟; Oh! Charlie, Charlie, take care of them, My son, do all for them you can." It seemed as though he did not know That his poor soul so soon must go, And leave his little ones he loved, To go to that bright world above. But God he called his soul away, It had to leave, it could not stay -- He never more on earth will be, His soul is from sin and sorrow free. Charles helped the sexton, I am told, To lay his form in the coffin cold -- How sad, how sad, poor soul was he, When last his father's form did see. Minnie May House she had to go, And leave her friends that loved her so -- She was a girl in her teens, A lovely flower as e'er was seen. Minnie and her mother lay on one bed, And when Charles said, "our Minnie is dead," His mother then she did grow wild, And early after knew her child. They buried Minnie by her father's side, And left them there where they had died -- Charles took his mother and brothers then And brought them back to Michigan. For the mother and the baby too, Kind friends did all that they could do, But those poor souls they could not save, For now they're sleeping in their grave. Oh! what a noble son was he, His age was then only sixteen -- Charles House's name I have told before God bless his soul forever more.