

  • 时间1398 - 1448
  • 的地方北方邦
  • 国家印度


卡比尔是印度被引用最多的诗人和神秘主义者之一,关于他的出生、生活和死亡有很多传说。他的出生本身就笼罩在神秘之中,有人说他是婆罗门寡妇的儿子,也有人说他是处女之子,但已知的是他在一个穆斯林织布工家庭长大。他从未受过正规教育,几乎完全是文盲。根据传说,他唯一学会写的字是“Rama”。传说他在120岁左右的时候将自己的身体弃世了。关于他的死有一个著名的传说;他死后,他的印度教和穆斯林追随者开始为最后的仪式而争吵。当他们掀开盖在尸体上的布时,却发现了鲜花。穆斯林信徒埋葬了他们的一半,印度教徒火化了他们的一半。在马加尔,他的坟墓和三摩地仍然肩并肩地矗立着。 The social and practical manifestation of Kabir's philosophy has rung through the ages. It represented a synthesis of Hindu, and Muslim concepts. From Hinduism he accepts the concept of reincarnation and the law of Karma. From Islam he takes the affirmation of the single god and the rejection of caste system and idolatry. The basic religious principles he espouses are simple. According to Kabir, all life is an interplay of two spiritual principles. One is the personal soul (Jivatma) and the other is God (Paramatma). It is Kabir's view that salvation is the process of bringing into union these two divine principles. Kabir is a very important figure in Indian history. He is unusual in that he is spiritually significant to Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims alike. Kabir openly criticized all sects and gave a new direction to the Indian philosophy. Kabir touches the soul, the conscience, the sense of awareness and the vitality of existence in a manner that is unequalled in both simplicity and style. It is for this reason that Kabir is held in high esteem all over the world. Another beauty of Kabir's poetry is that he picks up situations that surround our daily lives. Thus, even today, Kabir's poetry is relevant and helpful in both social and spiritual context. Following Kabir means understanding one's inner self, realizing oneself, accepting oneself as is, and becoming harmonious with one's surroundings. Kabir has written much poetry and song. All of Kabir's recorded verses are in Hindi. His lyrics are characterised by a free use of the vernacular, and is unfettered by the grammatical bonds of his day. It is this quality which has made his philosophy accessible to generations of Indians.