


“噢,亲爱的,大腿最好的人,这周围堆满了成堆的稻谷和穗子,或者甘蔗,到处都回荡着红润的鹅的尖叫声……现在激情高涨了,因此这个季节对精力充沛的女人来说是令人愉快的,因此听这个季节,叫做“冬”……“在这个时候,人们喜欢呆在他们住所的中间地方,那里的通风设备被封锁了,寒冷的空气通过,在阳光下,穿着厚重的衣服,和成熟的女人在一起,因为他们也会充满激情的蒸汽……“现在,不再是像月光一样凉爽的檀香,不再是曾经在皎洁的月光下变得宜人的建筑物顶部,不再是被密密麻麻的雨夹雪吹得冰冷的微风……他们中的任何一个都是令人愉快的……“对于人们来说,夜晚是不愉快的,因为他们被成堆的雪冻得很冷,被月亮的月光冻得更冷,此外,这些夜晚是由杂乱而暗淡的星星点缀的非常白的簇……“拿着槟榔叶和它们的包围材料,像酸橙和槟榔皮,以及其他芬芳的咀嚼材料,甚至拿着身体霜和花束,因为穿上它们很凉爽,她们像莲花一样的脸散发着令人愉快的娱乐饮料的香味,女人们热情地进入她们的卧室,这是令人渴望的芦荟树脂熏蒸的香味……“一进卧室,就会看到那些讨厌的丈夫,因为妻子的到来而生气,但一旦这些丈夫犯错了,他们之前多次被吓到,因此他们现在动摇了,因为他们的心被他们的犹豫所迷惑,看着这些现在渴望做爱的丈夫,好色的女人忽略了他们的错误,以免时间和机会浪费掉……因此,这个季节让情侣们团结在一起,尽管他们彼此矛盾……“刚成年的女人在漫长的夜晚,被那些对女人充满激情和欲望的年轻男人无情地满足了很长一段时间,因此这些年轻女人在夜晚结束后,在早上缓慢地移动,在昨晚的冒险中,她们疼痛的胸部受到了压迫…… "The womenfolk's breasts are tightly bound by breast-bands thus they are squeezy, and on them the upper fringe of their colourful silk wraparound is wrapped, and such busts are ornamented, and in their hairdo interposed are flowers, thus those women are delightful and it appears that they themselves are embellishing the wintry season as its ornaments... "Nowadays the chests of lustful men are ocherish for they are rubbed against bosoms of their flirtatious women, whose busts are adorned with vermilion coloured skincare, and which young women are befitting for a comfortable close self-indulgence, for they are new to adulthood, and have warmish bosoms, and the men are sleeping while overly pressing the bosoms of their ladyloves against their own, thus the men are brazening out the chilling coldness of winter, and thus the women of age have an edge on the frostiness of this season... "In nights the gladdened women of age, desirous of lovemaking are consuming best, heart-stealing, excitant, and stimulant hard drinks along with their lovers, in which drinks lotus petal are placed for fragrance, and which lotus petals are undulated by the richly scented lusty suspirations of those women... "In the morning, one woman on getting rid of her penchant of passion, examined her own body, and observed that her nipples are subdued by her lover's embrace, and thus concluding that her body is completely enjoyed by her lover, she is going out of the bedchamber to another chamber, laughingly ... "At dawn, another charmingly delightful and attractive woman, whose rumps are heavy and whose waistline is slender, on joggling the ends of her slithered hair plaits from which discarded are the circlets of flowers, that adorned her bun last night but now withered, and on furling up that hair which is fragrant, for it was fumigated with the resin of aloe vera during last night, is leaving the bed... "With their discoid faces that look like golden lotuses, cleansed just with water, and with their wide and medially whitish eyes, whose edges touch the edges of ears, and with their just cleansed hair dangling and clasping their shoulders, those women of age are snugly in the heart of their houses in these days, and they appear to be many a personified prosperity, Goddess Lakshmi-s, amidst Her golden lotuses... "Other women of age, uneasy with the weight of their beamy behinds, a little bent down at waist by the weight of their breasts, which weight of breasts and behinds is making them to walk slowly and