


天以上!这是你的一条旧领带——金土上印着海绿的龙。哈!哈!哈!那时的我们是多么的孩子啊。你爱我到愿意戴上它吗?你有勇气去追求你那原始的荣耀吗?哈!哈! Ha! You laugh and shrug your shoulders. Those were the days when a new tie spelt a fortune: We wore it in turn--I flaunted it as a waist-belt. Ha! Ha! Ha! What easily satisfied babies. "I think I'll turn into a piano duster." "Give it to me, I'll polish my slippers on it!" Ha! Ha! Ha! The rag's not worth the dustbin. "Throw the shabby old thing right out of the window; Fling it into the faces of other children!" Ha! Ha! Ha! We laughed and laughed till the tears came!