


爱是我的一盏明灯吗?一盏稳定的光,一盏灯,在它苍白的水池里,我梦见旧情书?还是一束光,一盏灯,从远处幽暗的山上向我走来?我的爱是星星吗?啊我!——那么高,那么冷,那么亮!火在跳舞。我的爱是一团火吗?不,我会怕他。我太冷了,无法快速而热切地爱你。 There's a gold Sheen on these flower petals as they fold More truly mine, more like to my desire. The flower petals fold. They are by the sun Forgotten. In a shadowy wood they grow Where the dark trees keep up a to-and-fro Shadowy waving. Who will watch them shine When I have dreamed my dream? Ah, darling mine, Find them, gather them for me one by one.