


我跑到森林里避雨,上气不接下气,泣不成声;我搂着一棵树,把头枕在粗糙的树皮上。“保护我。”我说。“我是一个迷路的孩子。”但那棵树把银色的雨点洒在我的脸上和头发上。风从地极刮起;它把森林连成一片。一个巨大的绿色波浪轰鸣着冲过我的头顶。我祈祷,恳求,“请照顾我!”但风扯着我的斗篷,雨打在我身上。 Little rivers tore up the ground and swamped the bushes. A frenzy possessed the earth: I felt that the earth was drowning In a bubbling cavern of space. I alone-- Smaller than the smallest fly--was alive and terrified. Then for what reason I know not, I became trium- phant "Well, kill me!" I cried and ran out into the open. But the storm ceased: the sun spread his wings And floated serene in the silver pool of the sky. I put my hands over my face: I was blushing. And the trees swung together and delicately laughed.