


再见了,亲爱的,我爱得过分的对象,还有我对幸福的一切希望,我怀着同样的热情和不变的心,把自己的全部交给了你,(虽然命运如此沉重地打击了我,我还是要忍受更大的痛苦,因为我既不能保留,也不配得到你的原谅。)你禁锢我太久了,你毁了我的外,毁了我的内。我的心已陷在你的温柔之下,我的处境不配得到你的温柔;我是如此的纠结,如此的失落我每天的悲伤带给我的震撼,那是你对你的老奥林达的呼唤,你几乎无法解开她。难道我要把你的好运和我的无尽的痛苦连在一起吗?不,不,我从来没有这样爱过你,把你置于我命运的严酷之中,因为你已经摆脱了我的义务,你一定不会受到我的伤害,虽然我错过了其他的一切,但我至少在这件事上是慷慨的。我宁愿死而不叹息,不呻吟,那么你就应该被谴责给我一声叹息;不,在我的灵魂里,我宁愿让友谊受苦,而不是让你受苦;去吧,既然我悲伤的心把你释放了,就让所有的重担和锁链留在我身上吧。虽然我被抛下,成为海风的猎物,你既然快乐,就会对我仁慈; Nor shall I my undoing much deplore, Since thou art safe, whom I must value more. Oh! mayst thou ever be so, and as free From all ills else, as from my company, And may the torments thou hast had from it Be all that heaven will to thy life permit. And that they may thy vertue service do, Mayest thou be able to forgive them too: But though I must this sharp submission learn, I cannot yet unwish thy dear concern. Not one new comfort I expect to see, I quit my Joy, hope, life, and all but thee; Nor seek I thence ought that may discompose That mind where so serene a goodness grows. I ask no inconvenient kindness now, To move thy passion, or to cloud thy brow; And thou wilt satisfie my boldest plea By some few soft remembrances of me, [50] Which may present thee with this candid thought, I meant not all the troubles that I brought. Own not what Passion rules, and Fate does crush, But wish thou couldst have don't without a blush, And that I had been, ere it was too late, Either more worthy, or more fortunate. Ah who can love the thing they cannot prize? But thou mayst pity though thou dost despise. Yet I should think that pity bought too dear, If it should cost those precious Eyes a tear. Oh may no minutes trouble, thee possess, But to endear the next hours happiness; And maist thou when thou art from me remov'd, Be better pleas'd, but never worse belov'd: Oh pardon me for pow'ring out my woes In Rhime now, that I dare not do't in Prose. For I must lose whatever is call'd dear, And thy assistance all that loss to bear, And have more cause than ere I had before, To fear that I shall never see thee more. Anonymous Submission