

  • 时间1925 - 2002
  • 的地方俄亥俄州
  • 国家美国


肯尼斯·科赫于1925年2月27日出生在俄亥俄州的辛辛那提。他在哈佛大学学习,在那里他获得了文学学士学位,并进入哥伦比亚大学攻读博士学位。许多评论家认为科赫的早期作品晦涩难懂,如《诗歌》(1953)和史诗《地球上的一个季节》(1959),但评论他后来的作品清晰,抒情和幽默,如《爱的艺术》(1975),被称赞为一本优雅,幽默的书。他的其他诗集包括《新地址》(Alfred a . Knopf, 2000),获得了Phi Beta Kappa诗歌奖,并入围了国家图书奖;海峡(1998);《一列火车》和《大西洋大雨道》,《1950-1988年诗歌选集》(均于1994年出版),并于1995年获得博林根奖;《地球季节》(1987);《悬崖边缘》(1986);白天和黑夜(1982);《1951年燃烧的安娜之谜》(1979);《重复》(1977); The Pleasures of Peace (1969); When the Sun Tries to Go On (1969); Thank You (1962); and Seasons on Earth (1960). Koch's short plays, many of them produced off- and off-off-Broadway, are collected in The Gold Standard: A Book of Plays. He has also published Making Your Own Days: The Pleasures of Reading and Writing Poetry (Scribners, 1998); The Red Robins (1975), a novel; Hotel Lambosa and Other Stories(1993). Koch wrote the libretto for composer Marcello Panni's The Banquet, which premiered in Bremen in June 1998, and his collaborations with painters have been the subject of exhibitions at the Ipswich Museum in England and the De Nagy Gallery in New York. His numerous honors include the Rebekah Johnson Bobbitt National Prize for Poetry, awarded by the Library of Congress in 1996, as well as awards from the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the Fulbright, Guggenheim, and Ingram-Merrill foundations. In 1996 he was inducted as a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Kenneth Koch lived in New York City, where he was professor of English at Columbia University. Koch died on July 6, 2002 from leukemia.