


而这一切就是今天…那个把帽子挂在脸上的男孩……不知怎么的,警察今晚会睡着,会和他的妻子做爱……愤怒是没有用的。我天生愤怒。因为父亲在磨坊里被活活烧死而生气;愤怒的是,除了肮脏和贫穷,我们谁也不懂。生气是因为我是那个应该为之奋斗的人把他交出去;好好看看他的脸……有人会在很长一段时间里看到这张脸。 I wash his hands that in the brightness they will shine. We have a parent called the earth. To be these buds and trees; this tameless bird Within the ground; this season's act upon the fields of Man. To be equal to the littlest thing alive, While all the swarming stars move silent through The merest flower . .. but the fog of guns. The face with all the draining future left blank. . . Those smug saints, whether of church or Stalin, Can get off the back of my people, and stay off. Somebody is supposed to be fighting for somebody. . . And Lenin is terribly silent, terribly silent and dead.