
在这里你会发现《AC With Ghosts》诗人肯尼斯·斯莱索

《AC With Ghosts》

你可以拖着脚,扭打着,骂着,你可以把门环和把手弄得格格作响,或者用一桶桶金子砸门阶,直到副州长抽泣。你可以偷偷爬上一块合适的木板拼命地去看?但是当大门在三点响起时,他们在联邦银行做什么呢?在地窖里听,在金库里听,可以吗?你没听到出纳员翻筋斗吗?可以吗?你没有听到监制和导演的幽灵在《死人》中与幽灵共舞吗?华尔兹吗?有些是贵族的鬼魂,贫穷和流浪的乞丐,迈达斯和他的情妇,财神和他的妻子;另一些是哨兵,守卫着双重入口,被遗忘已久的,双重交易的,麻烦的双重生活。在帐簿下面,钱被借出又花掉;在那百分之四的森林下面,账簿在那里相遇,在那里发霉,透支的帐簿在那里过期,当你向他们要租金时,幽灵耸耸肩。他们是爷爷的鬼魂?s cheques, They are spectres of buried accounts, They are crinoline sweethearts with pearls on their necks, Demanding enormous amounts. They are payment for suppers and flowers, For diamonds to banish a tear, For sweet, pretty ladies in opulent hours . . . And tombstones . . . and bailiffs . . . and beer . . . Down in the bowels of the bank, the ledgers lie rank upon rank, The debts of the ages come out of their pages, The bones of old loans creak and clank? Oh, if you could peep through the door To day at a Quarter Past Four, You?d find all the ghosts at their usual posts, And you wouldn?t sign cheques any more!