


(纪念威廉·希基先生)从印度出来,一年挣一万块钱,换来了肉体和脾气,一个干瘪的浮士德,他的魔鬼与消化作交易,他在洛克的山谷里蘸过手指,付出了高昂的代价吗?谁知道呢?可以肯定的是,他有一种愤怒,一张鲨鱼皮的脸,满是黄色的杰克,还有一种不顾一切的年龄暴政,在特威克纳姆需要海龟蛋。有时,在月光下,他会在一艘驳船上漂浮,而雇工们则吹着他们偷偷摸摸的旗子,由一个穿着金色外套的王公带着鸽子饼伺候…马德拉……还有马德拉群岛……或者在他的巴黎之城,和银色的青蛙在一起,他在一辆装备,优雅的战车上鼓着肚子,穿过雾湾,和船长们一起吃海豚牛排。谁知道呢?也许还有比牛排更糟糕的东西,比牡蛎更糟糕的东西——酱汁、盖碗、食物的世界就像绘制的地图,上面点缀着红葡萄酒和烤鳝鱼,还有台球比赛、烧焦的香槟的嘈杂声,上流社会的漂亮女士们总是在发脾气,或者又要发脾气了,法家法官、勃艮第酒和判决书? Thus to inhabit huge, lugubrious halls Damp with the steam of entrees, glazed with smoke, Raw drinking, greasy eating, bussing and brawls, Drinking and eating and bursting into bed-chambers. But, in the end, one says farewell to them; And if he'd curse to-day?God damn your blood!? Even his curses I'd not altogether condemn, Not altogether scorn; and if phantoms ate? Hickey, I'd say, sit down, pull up, set to: Here's knife and fork, there's wine, and there's a barmaid. Let us submerge ourselves in onion-soup, Anything but this 'damned profession of writing'.